We’ve compared our service to other pension providers and traditional Independent Financial Advisers in our handy comparison table. You’ll see that with Profile Pensions you get a lot more value for money, which could add up to thousands of pounds in your retirement.
How does Profile Pensions compare
(correct as of Feb 2022)

What makes us different
Profile Pensions CEO Jordan Mayo added: “Important research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (using data from Profile Pensions) shows the importance of making pension and investment advice more accessible and affordable. Profile Pensions is making this happen; now everyone can quickly and easily get whole-of-market investment advice online, discuss it with an adviser if they want to, with no upfront fees and low ongoing costs.”
Here’s 4 ways we’re different to the rest:
Personalised investment advice
You’ll receive a personalised pension plan that you can combine your old pensions into or make contributions into a new pension and we'll make sure your money works as hard as you do.
Each of our customers’ pension needs are different and so we reflect that in their pension investment advice. With Profile Pensions you’ll receive an investment plan that’s personalised to you and that matches your current financial situation - you don’t have to pick a fund yourself, we’ll do the hard work for you.
We even offer investments in socially responsible ESG funds for all our customers, an option that is only available to higher risk customers at some other providers.
Dedicated pension adviser
It’s great to have a familiar person to speak to about your pension, and taking pension advice can make you better off in retirement. With us, you’ll be assigned a qualified Pension Adviser who is there to help you whenever you need them, from today and all through your retirement. This support from your Adviser is ongoing, and you can reach out to them at any time to ask questions about your pension.
Many other pension providers only combine and transfer your old pensions, without offering the personal support you receive from your dedicated Adviser.
Independent and whole of market
We’re proud to be independent, which means we’re not restricted or biased in the funds that we choose, and we’ll pick the best funds for you from the whole of the market. We select funds for your pension plan based on what is best for you.
Some pension providers are unable to do this and can only offer selected funds, but at Profile Pensions we have no restrictions in what we can pick for you.
No minimum investment, no hidden costs
Our annual fee is between 0.83%-0.87% (depending on the pension plan we choose for you). This includes platform and fund fees, plus our ongoing service.
There are no minimum investment requirements to set up your pension, so it’s available to everyone. And our ongoing service continues to monitor and review your pension, giving you even more for your money.
Many other pension providers or investment accounts require a minimum to be invested into their platform, but our choice to waive these minimums helps keep our platform accessible to many. And as demonstrated in our comparison table, our fees are incredibly competitive and are on average cheaper than other providers that don’t offer as many features as we do.